AgTechs have a presence in a wide range of areas within the agricultural value chain

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Some AgTechs focus on developing drones that help in precision agriculture, others invest in remote sensing, satellite imagery, and data analytics to optimize irrigation, fertilization, and crop management. Other AgTechs develop robots to automate and streamline various farming processes, which can help in planting, harvesting, monitoring crop health, and managing livestock, reducing labor requirements and improving overall efficiency. AgTechs might also explore alternative and plant-based food solutions by aiming to change (as well as address) consumer preferences, promoting healthier and more sustainable food options, which can reduce the environmental impact associated with traditional animal agriculture. Another field AgTechs are involved in is sustainable agriculture, which is done by promoting environmentally friendly and regenerative farming practices by focusing on agroforestry, organic farming, and vertical farming, among other methods, to minimize chemical inputs, conserve water, protect biodiversity, and reduce the carbon footprint of food production. Thus, by providing farmers with real-time insights and recommendations, these startups can increase profits, reduce resource inputs, and minimize environmental impact, showing their great potential for contributing to a more sustainable agricultural value chain.
Bertucci Ramos, Paulo Henrique; Pedroso, Marcelo Caldeira. Classification and categorization of Brazilian agricultural startups (Agtechs). Innovation & Management Review, v. 18, p. 237-257, 2021.
Bertucci Ramos, Paulo Henrique; Pedroso, Marcelo Caldeira. Main elements involved in the startup scalability process: a study on Brazilian agtechs. REGE. REVISTA DE GESTÃO USP, v. 29, p. 220-237, 2022.
Dutia, S. G. 2014. Agtech: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Growth. Innovations: Technology, Governance, Globalization, 9(1-2), 161-193. Available at Accessed in 20 of June/2020
Mendes, Jéssica Alves Justo; Olegário Bueno, Lucas; Yassine Oliveira, Arthur; Gerolamo, M. C. Agriculture startups (AgTechs): a bibliometric study. 2022. International Journal of Professional Business Review.
Mendes, Jéssica Alves Justo; Carvalho, Nubia Gabriela Pereira; Mourarias, Murilo Neves; Careta, Catarina Barbosa; Zeidler, Vânia Gomes Zuin; Gerolamo, Mateus Cecílio. 2022a. Dimensions of digital transformation in the context of modern agriculture. Sustainable Production and Consumption, In Press, Journal Pre-proof,