AgTech, an acronym for Agriculture Startups

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Agriculture startups, known commonly by the acronym AgTechs in North America, and Agritechs in Europe, are entrepreneurial ventures that focus on developing innovative technologies and solutions that seek to address the various challenges of the agricultural sector, bringing new opportunities for farmers and consumers. In their core, these startups seek to combine technological advancement with sustainable practices to improve productivity, efficiency, and sustainability in farming and food production.
For more academic information, see the works of: Dutia (2014), Mendes et al. (2021) and Bertucci Ramos and Pedroso (2022).
For an interesting case study, see the work of Kumari and Muralidhara (2019).
Bertucci Ramos, Paulo Henrique; Pedroso, Marcelo Caldeira. Main elements involved in the startup scalability process: a study on Brazilian agtechs. REGE. REVISTA DE GESTÃO USP, v. 29, p. 220-237, 2022.
Dutia, S. G. 2014. Agtech: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Growth. Innovations: Technology, Governance, Globalization, 9(1-2), 161-193. Available at Accessed in 20 of June/2020
Mendes, Jéssica Alves Justo; Olegário Bueno, Lucas; Yassine Oliveira, Arthur; Gerolamo, M. C. Agriculture startups (AgTechs): a bibliometric study. 2022. International Journal of Professional Business Review.